Ko te tumanako Deepblue Air Conditioning Manufacture Corp., Ltd.
Maha Energy LiBr Absorption Chiller


Maha Energy LiBr Absorption Chiller

Whakaahuatanga Whanui:

Ko te Multi Energy LiBr Absorption Chiller he momo taputapu whakamatao e peia ana e te maha o te kaha, penei i te hiko o te ra, te hau rewharewha/rewharewha, te mamaoa me te wai wera, ka whakamahia te otinga LiBr hei ngongo me te wai ko te whakamahana.Ko te waahanga matua ko te HTG, LTG, condenser, evaporator, absorber, teitei HX pāmahana, iti temp.HX, HX wai condensate, taputapu horoi aunoa, papu korehau, papu kēne, aha atu.

Kei raro iho nei nga korero hou mo to maatau kamupene.

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua


Te kaupapa mahi

Ma te whakamahi i te hau rewharewha teitei me te hau maaori hei rauemi wera taraiwa, ka whakamahia e te hau rewharewha me te puhipuhi whakangao a LiBr (Ko te Kaipupuri/Te wae) te whakaetonga o te wai whakaahuru ki te whakaputa i te wai makariri.

I roto i o tatou oranga o ia ra, e mohio ana tatou katoa, ka hauhautanga tatou ki te maturuturu he waipiro ki runga i te kiri, na te mea ka mimiti te whakaetonga i te wera o to tatou kiri.Ehara i te waipiro anake, ko etahi atu momo wai ka mimiti i te wera huri noa i te wa e whakaetonga ana.A, ka iti ake te pehanga o te hau, ka iti ake te wera o te rehu.Hei tauira, ko te 100 ℃ te pāmahana e koropupū ana te wai i raro i te 1 kōhauhau o te pēhanga, engari ki te heke te pēhanga kōhauhau ki te 0.00891, ka 5 ℃ te pāmahana e koropupū ana te wai. Koira te take i raro i nga tikanga korehau, ka taea e te wai te ngohe i te pāmahana iti rawa.

Koina te kaupapa mahi matua o te whakamaarama mio LiBr maha.Ko te wai(mao) ka whakangohu i roto i te kaihoroi korehau-tiketike ka tango i te wera mai i te wai hei whakamatao.Ko te kohu whakamahana ka ngohia e te wairewa LiBr(whakangonga) ka tohatohahia e nga papu.Ka hoki ano te tukanga.

Maha Energy LiBr Absorption Chiller
Maha Energy LiBr Absorption Chiller

Te huringa whakamahana

Ko te maataapono mahi o te maha o te kaha o te kai whakamahana LiBr e whakaatuhia ana ko te Whakaahua 2-1.Ko te wairewa waimeha mai i te kaihoroi, ka mamingatia e te papu otinga, ka whakawhiti i te kaitahuri wera wera iti (LTHE) me te whakawhiti wera wera nui (HTHE), katahi ka uru atu ki roto ki te miihini hiko teitei (HTG), ki reira ka kohuatia e te haurerehu teitei me te hau naturak hei whakaputa i te pehanga teitei, te kohu whakamahana teitei.Ka huri te wairewa waimeha ki te otinga takawaenga.

Ko te otinga takawaenga ka rere ma te HTHE ki roto i te miihini-iti-iti(LTG), ka whakamahanahia e te kohu whakamahana mai i te HTG hei whakaputa i te kohu whakamahana.Ko te otinga takawaenga ka noho hei otinga kukū.

Ko te pehanga teitei, te kohu whakamahana teitei i hangaia e te HTG, i muri i te whakamahana i te otinga takawaenga i roto i te LTG, ka whakamaarama ki te wai whakamahana.Ko te wai, i muri i te werohanga, me te kohu whakamahana i hangaia i roto i te LTG, ka uru ki roto ki te kaitao ka whakamataohia e te wai whakamatao ka huri hei wai whakamatao.

Ko te wai whakamatao i hangaia i roto i te condenser ka tukuna he paipa-U ka rere ki roto i te whakaetonga.Ko tetahi wahanga o te wai whakawera ka rehu na te iti rawa o te pehanga i roto i te whakaetonga, ko te nuinga ka peia e te papu whakamahana ka maputia ki runga i te paihere ngongo ngongo.Ko te wai whakamatao i maputia ki runga i te paihere ngongo ka ngongo te wera mai i te wai e rere ana i roto i te paihere ngongo ka ngotea.

Ko te wairewa whakakoi mai i te LTG ka rere ma te LTHE ki roto i te kaihoroi ka maputia ki te paihere ngongo.Na, i muri i te whakamataotanga e te wai e rere ana i roto i te paihere ngongo, ka mimiti te wairewa kukū i te kohu whakamatao mai i te whakaetonga ka huri hei otinga waimeha.I tenei ara, ka mimiti tonu te wairewa kukū i te kohu whakamahana i hangaia i roto i te whakaetonga, kia mau tonu te mahi whakaetonga.I tenei wa, ka tukuna te wairewa kua tohua e te papu otinga ki te HTG, ka kohuatia, ka kuhu ano.No reira ka oti te hurihanga whakamatao ma te maha o te kaha o te LiBr whakamaarama kare ka hoki ano te huringa.


Maha Energy LiBr Absorption Chiller

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